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Frequently Asked Questions

Whether we have the answer you’re looking for or not, we are always here to help however we can. Below are some of commonly asked questions.

Preguntas más frecuentes


What is advocacy?

Formal individual advocacy often goes through organizations like government agencies or nonprofits. When someone is living through domestic violence, needs support after a sexual assault, help with shelter, medical care, mental healthcare, financial assistance, emotional support and more, advocacy can help. 


What are my options?

Your options depend on your goals, your safety plan, and many circumstances. Our hotline is a great place to start to explore your options.  


Can you help me?

Don’t speak English or Spanish? LGBTQ? Homeless? Need assistance accessing our buildings? Deaf/Deaf-Blind and/or Hearing Impaired? Immigrant to the US? Vision Impaired? Under 18? Have transportation problems? If you have any additional barriers, we can help. 


Where are you located?

We have several locations and also offer mobile services in certain situations.  You can find our more on our contact page.


Is there a fee for your services?

Crisis Support Network programs and services are available at no charge.