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Frequently Asked Questions

Whether we have the answer you’re looking for or not, we are always here to help however we can. Below are some of commonly asked questions.

Preguntas más frecuentes


Is my relationship abusive?

Los padres no se sientan con sus hijos durante la entrevista. Aunque a menudo es difícil para los niños hablar sobre lo sucedido, la mayoría de los niños se sienten cómodos separándose de sus padres y hablando con el entrevistador forense.


What is sexual assault?

A los padres no se les permite sentarse con el equipo durante una entrevista. Debido a que se trata de una investigación, los miembros del equipo deben observar, evaluar y documentar cuidadosamente la entrevista y no estarán disponibles para responder a sus inquietudes o preguntas durante ese tiempo. Podrá reunirse con el equipo después de la entrevista para conocer lo sucedido y hacer cualquier pregunta.


Sexual assault can be a range of experiences identified by the person who experienced it. It occurs when a person is forced, coerced, and/or manipulated into any unwanted sexual activity. Sexual assault is a term that includes a wide range of victimizations which may or may not involve force or be illegal. 

Sexual assault affects people from a wide variety of backgrounds– age, race, class, culture, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and sexuality. Perpetrators use sexual assault to control.

Typically, sexual assault is not about sex, but about manipulation, exploitation, humiliation and exerting power over another person. 

Sexual violence deeply affects many areas of our lives: health, spirituality, emotions, sexuality, and relationships. These are areas of hurt and areas where we offer healing services. You don’t have to meet a certain criteria to get help from an advocate.  We are here to help you navigate your options, feeling and help you understand 


Where are you located?

Children are most comfortable when they have been informed about what to expect. It is important to explain to your child that he or she will be meeting with someone to talk about what has happened to him/her. You can let your child know that the interviewer is a person who talks to many children. You should not tell your child what to say, but simply encourage your child to tell the truth. Some children may need to be reassured and told that they have done nothing wrong. You can let your child know that a medical exam may be conducted but it is not a painful exam and you will be able to be with them.


¿Será esta la única vez que mi hijo tendrá que hablar sobre lo sucedido?

Participation in this interview does not mean that your child will never have to speak about the incident(s) again. The Assistant District Attorney and Victim Witness Advocate will consult with you about the decision to prosecute the case and discuss your family’s involvement in the court process. In addition, some children choose to continue to speak about their experiences with family, friends, and/or are encouraged to speak with counselors as a way to address their thoughts or feelings about what has happened.